
China urges US envoy to Japan to stop favoring Japan’s ‘irresponsible’ behavior

China said US ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, should stop favoring Japan’s “irresponsible” behavior, after he called Beijing’s reaction to Japan’s Fukushima water release an “economic coercion.”
“We believe that the United States side, especially the politicians concerned on the United States side, should stop being biased in favor of and condoning Japan’s irresponsible behavior,” foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a news briefing on Friday.
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Mao also said the United States should join other countries in urging Japan to stop discharging the Fukushima wastewater into the sea and dispose of it in a responsible manner.
Read more:

Japanese embassy in China ‘extremely worried’ over Fukushima harassment

Fukushima wastewater is not toxic: IAEA chief

Japan to restore fish catch to 2010 level amid Fukushima spat

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