
Russia claims wave of Ukrainian drones destroyed

Russia said it had destroyed several Ukrainian drones in its border regions of Bryansk and Belgorod during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. No casualties have been reported so far.

Russia’s defense ministry said six drones had been shot down in four separate locations over the Bryansk region, which is roughly equidistant between Kyiv and Moscow.

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“Air defense systems on duty destroyed unmanned aerial vehicles over the territory of Bryansk region,” it said on Telegram.

Bryansk governor Alexander Bogomaz said there had been no damage or casualties, and “operational and emergen-cy services are working on the scene”.

Another drone was destroyed further south over the Belgorod region on Wednesday evening, the defense ministry added, saying the attempted attack had been “thwarted”.

Belgorod regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said it had been “shot down” over Tulyanka village, with no casualties or damage reported so far.

Since Ukraine launched its counter-offensive in early June, Russia has weathered waves of drone attacks in recent months that have sporadically damaged buildings, including in Moscow.

Russian officials have downplayed their significance.

Read more:

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