
UNCTAD Secretary-General urges youth to drive peace and sustainable development

GENEVE, 13th July, 2023 (WAM) — Rebeca Grynspan Mayufis, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), has urged participants of the second edition of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, an initiative of the Muslim Council of Elders, to harness their participation in the forum while emphasising the crucial role of youth in achieving peace and sustainable development.

During a seminar on the forum's sixth day in Geneve, Mayufis stated that empowering women is no longer a luxury or a set of societal slogans but has become a tangible and urgent necessity, expressing her strong desire to witness women assuming leadership positions across all sectors.

Mayufis underscored UNCTAD's commitment to projects that focus on creating more employment opportunities for young people and supporting initiatives aimed at reducing unemployment rates.

She also expressed her gratitude to Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, for organising this important forum, which aims to empower a generation of young people capable of fostering peace and promoting the values of dialogue and coexistence.

The second edition of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum is held under the chairmanship of His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, in partnership with the World Council of Churches and the Rose Castle Foundation, will draw to a close on 14th July. The event has gathered 50 young men and women from diverse regions of the world, fostering global participation and collaboration.

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