
Facade of Paris Olympics aquatic training center damaged during overnight riots

The facade of a Paris Olympics aquatic training center was damaged during rioting that convulsed France overnight, the company in charge of the Games’ infrastructure said on Friday.
“Buses parked near the Aubervilliers aquatic center construction site were set on fire,” SOLIDEO told Reuters. “The facade of the building suffered very slight damage as a result.”
SOLIDEO said it was considering taking extra security measures at all Olympic building sites to prevent any further damage.
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Police made 667 arrests nationwide overnight after violence also broke out in Marseille, Lyon, Pau, Toulouse and Lille in a third night of protests against Tuesday’s killing by police of a 17-year-old of Algerian and Moroccan descent during a traffic stop.
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UN says France must address deep issues of racial discrimination in its police

France unrest: PM says ‘all options’ being considered to restore order

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