
Three border crossings fully operational for UN to deliver aid to quake-hit Syria

Three border crossings are now fully operational for the United Nations’ earthquake aid and delivery efforts in northwest Syria, a spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General said in a briefing on Monday.

This follows the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey on February 6, which caused significant damage to buildings, killed over 40,000, and displaced thousands of people.

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Stephanie Dujarric, the spokesperson for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, announced on Monday that 10 trucks carrying shelter and other aid items from the International Organization for Migration crossed through the al-Ra’ee border crossing into northern Aleppo.

This marks the first UN convoy through this border crossing since the Government of Syria agreed to its use for aid deliveries, bringing the total number of fully operating UN border crossings to three.

Additionally, the World Food Programme sent 20 trucks through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing into Idlib province as part of their earthquake response, which includes delivering food to 127,000 people in north-west Syria since the earthquake hit.

Since February 9, the UN has dispatched 227 trucks to non-government held areas in north-west Syria. Preparations are also underway to send more trucks through all three border crossings.

“Aid in the impacted areas remains a top priority, as thousands of people remain in collective shelters across Latakia, Homs, Hama and Aleppo,” Dujarric said.

“The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN Development Programme and UN Habitat are helping to conduct assessments of structural damage to buildings.”

“These assessments will help determine whether families can return to homes that are deemed safe.”

The UN is currently looking into longer-term options for families who cannot return to their homes due to damaged structures, and food and other aid are being distributed to families, including those who returned to their homes after the quake.

“Funding remains essential for the wider earthquake response. As of today, the Syria Flash Appeal is 17 percent funded, with $68.5 million received towards the $329.1 million plan,” she explained.  

The United Nations, along with its partners, continues to scale up operations in other parts of Syria and Turkey to provide assistance to those affected by the earthquake.

“We along with our partners are delivering food, tents, blankets and other supplies, with medical supplies and medical personnel being dispatched to impacted areas,” the spokesperson said.

“UNICEF has reached nearly 218,000 people including over 132,000 children with hygiene kits and also with winter clothes, electric heaters, jerry cans and other items.”
Meanwhile, UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has said that among the survivors of the devastating natural disaster, around 356,000 pregnant women urgently need access to reproductive health services.

Read more:

UN relief chief urges $54 bln in aid to meet basic needs of 350 million in crisis

Three dead, more than 340 injured as new powerful earthquake hits Turkey and Syria

French aid group MSF issues urgent appeal for quake-hit Syria

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