
Germany repatriates women, children from suspected ISIS camp in Syria

Germany says it has brought home 10 women and 27 children from a camp in northeastern Syria where suspected members of ISIS have been held.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said the group was repatriated from the Roj camp on Wednesday in what she called an “extremely difficult” operation. She said some of the mothers were taken into custody immediately after arriving in Germany.

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“The 27 children are, at the end of the day, victims of ISIS, and they have a right to a better future far from its deadly ideology, and also to live in security, as we would wish for our own children,” Baerbock said in a statement. “The mothers must be held accountable for their actions.”

Germany previously repatriated 23 children and their eight mothers from Roj in October. At the same time, neighboring Denmark brought home 14 children and three women.

Baerbock thanked Kurdish authorities in Syria and “our US partners, who once again provided us with logistical support.”

With Wednesday’s operation, “the majority of the German children whose mothers are willing to return to Germany have been brought to safety,” she said.

“There are now only a few special cases for which we are continuing to work on individual solutions.”

Read more:

Syria camp clashes with ISIS leave three dead: Monitor

Iraq building Syria wall to keep out ISIS fighters

Foreign children risk languishing in Syria for decades: Charity

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