
Two children dead after Russia hits 33 civilian sites in Ukraine: Ministry official

Russia has bombed 33 civilian sites in its assault on Ukraine in the last 24 hours, Kyiv’s interior ministry said on Friday as Russian troops advanced on the capital, according to Interfax news agency.

“The Russians say they are not striking civilian objects. But 33 civilian sites have been hit over the last 24 hours,” the agency quoted an official at Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, Vadym Denysenko, as saying.

Earlier, Reuters reported that two children were killed from Russia’s attack, citing a Ukrainian interior ministry official.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Friday that invading Russian forces are targeting civilian areas, praising his countrymen for their “heroism” and assuring Kyiv is doing “everything possible” to protect them.

He spoke as Moscow’s forces reached the capital, with explosions heard in the city that the government described as “horrific rocket strikes.”

“Ukrainian air defense systems are defending our skies,” he said. “Ukrainians are demonstrating heroism.”

“All our forces are doing everything possible” to protect people, he added.

The Ukrainian leader called on people to show “solidarity” and help the elderly find shelter and “access to real information.”

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