“Ukraine’s military liberated another settlement – [the village of] Storozheve,” the defense ministry said on Telegram. The Ukrainian Navy press service said that Marines “as part of the counter-offensive actions, liberated Storozheve in the Donetsk region, which had been captured by the Russians since March 2022,” state news agency Ukrinform reported.
In the fight to reclaim the settlement, the Ukrainian Marines eliminated 50 Russian troops and captured four, according to the Navy press service. Navy command said: “Today, the national flag once again flies over Storozheve, and it will be the same in every settlement until we liberate all Ukrainian land,” according to Ukrinform.
Additionally, the Ukrainian defense ministry said the armed forces have advanced by 250 to 700 meters in the area of the eastern city of Bakhmut – the key city which Russians recently announced capturing after almost 10 months of fighting which made it the longest and bloodiest battlefronts of Russia’s war on Ukraine costing both sides heavy losses in manpower and equipment.
On Sunday, Ukrainian forces reclaimed three villages, Blahodatne, Neskuchne and Makarivka in the Donetsk region which represented the early military gains for Kyiv as part of its long-awaited counter-offensive to reclaim Russian-occupied territories armed with the latest shipments of Western weapon systems. Storozheve is located east of Blahodatne in the southwestern Donetsk.