
US President Biden to travel to Poland to mark first anniversary of Ukraine invasion

US President Joe Biden will travel to Poland on Feb. 20 to 22 to mark the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the White House said on Friday.

John Kirby, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, said that Biden will make clear that additional security assistance and additional will be coming from the United States.

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“The President will make it very clear that the United States will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes,” Kirby said.

Biden’s aides have been planning for weeks how they will mark the anniversary of the invasion, including potentially a major address. The aides are hoping to emphasize the resilience of the Ukrainian people along with continued unity among allies in the uncertain months ahead.

Biden will meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda and Eastern European allies and speak about Ukraine, the White House said. Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022.

Read more: Poland, Ukraine presidents met in Poland to discuss situation in region

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