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Shanghai separates COVID-positive children from parents in virus fight

Esther Zhao thought she was doing the right thing when she brought her two and a half-year-old daughter to a Shanghai hospital with a fever on March 26.

Three days later, Zhao was begging health authorities not to separate them after she and the little girl both tested positive for COVID-19, saying her daughter was too young to be taken away to a quarantine center for children.

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Doctors then threatened Zhao that her daughter would be left at the hospital, while she was sent to the center, if she did not agree to transfer the girl to the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center in the city’s Jinshan district.

Since then, she has had only one brief message that her daughter was fine, sent through a group chat with doctors, despite repeated pleas for information from Zhao and her husband, who is in a separate quarantine site after also testing positive.

“There have been no photos at all… I’m so anxious, I have no idea what situation my daughter is in,” she said on Saturday through tears, still stuck at the hospital she went to last week. “The doctor said Shanghai rules is that children must be sent to designated points, adults to quarantine centers and you’re not allowed to accompany the children.”

Zhao is panicking even more after images of crying children at a Shanghai health facility went viral in China. The anonymous poster said these were children who had tested positive for COVID and been separated from their parents at the Jinshan center.

The photos and videos posted on China’s Weibo and Douyin social media platforms showed wailing babies kept three to a cot. In one video, a groaning toddler crawls out of a room with four child-sized beds pushed against the wall. While a few adults can be seen in the videos, they are outnumbered by the number of children.

Reuters could not immediately verify the images, but a source familiar with the facility confirmed they were taken at the Jinshan facility.

Read the latest updates in our dedicated coronavirus section.

The Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center said, however, that the photos and videos circulating on internet were not a “Jinshan infant quarantine facility” but were scenes taken when the hospital was moving its pediatric ward to another building to cope with a rising number of COVID pediatric patients.

This was done to “improve the hospital environment,” it said on its official WeChat account on Saturday.

“Pediatric patients admitted to our hospital… are guaranteed medical treatment and their daily needs taken care of,” it said. “Currently, we have organized for more pediatric health workers to adjust the pediatric wards, optimize the administration process, improve ward management, strengthen communication with the children’s parents and do a better job.”

The Shanghai government referred Reuters to the hospital’s statement and declined to comment further.

A Shanghai health official said last week that hospitals that were treating COVID-positive children maintained online communications with their parents, according to the government’s official WeChat account.

As Shanghai, China’s most populous city and main financial hub, battles its largest ever COVID outbreak, stories like Zhao’s and videos of the separated children are angering residents and raising questions about the costs of Beijing’s “dynamic clearance” policy to fight the spread of the disease.


By Saturday, the original post had been deleted from Weibo, but thousands of people continued to comment and repost the images. “This is horrific,” said one. “How could the government come up with such a plan?,” said another.

In some cases, children as young as 3 months old are being separated from their breastfeeding mothers, according to posts in a quarantine hospital WeChat group shared with Reuters. In one room described in a post, there are eight children without an adult.

In another case, more than 20 children from a Shanghai kindergarten aged 5 to 6 were sent to a quarantine center without their parents, a source familiar with the situation said.

Since Shanghai’s latest outbreak began about a month ago, authorities have locked down its 26 million people in a two-stage process that began on Monday.

While the number of cases in Shanghai is small by global standards, Chinese authorities have vowed to stick with “dynamic clearance,” aiming to test for, trace and centrally quarantine all positive cases.

The US, French and Italian foreign consulates have warned their citizens in Shanghai that family separations could happen as Chinese authorities executed COVID curbs, according to notices seen by Reuters.

Shanghai on Saturday reported 6,051 locally transmitted asymptomatic COVID-19 cases and 260 symptomatic cases for April 1, versus 4,144 asymptomatic cases and 358 symptomatic ones on the previous day.

Mainland China reported 2,129 new cases, up from 1,827.

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M42 Bahrain and Mumtalakat break ground on Amana Healthcare – Bahrain’s first specialized long-term care and rehabilitation facility

– Groundbreaking ceremony marks Amana Healthcare’s entry into Bahrain and commitment to
delivering specialized care for the Kingdom’s people

– New facility will be the Kingdom’s first specialized long-term care provider offering post-acute
rehabilitation services
Operations scheduled to commence in 2025, Recruitment Day on 12 October in Manama will
employ the Kingdom’s most skilled local professional

Amana Healthcare, part of the M42 group, in
partnership with Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (“Mumtalakat”), celebrated a groundbreaking
ceremony on 18 September 2024 to mark the start of construction on the Amana Healthcare facility in
Al Jasra, Bahrain. This milestone signifies Amana Healthcare’s entry into Bahrain and its commitment to
delivering world-class health solutions and specialized care for the health and wellbeing of people in the
Members of Amana Healthcare – Bahrain’s Board of Directors attended the ceremony, including Dr.
Mohamed AlSaati, Acting CEO of M42 Bahrain and CEO of Amana Healthcare Bahrain and Khalid Hussain
Taqi, Managing Director – Local Impact Investments at Mumtalakat.
Commenting on the occasion Dr. AlSaati said, “This highly specialized new facility will address a critical
need in Bahrain, particularly long-term complex medical needs and post-acute rehabilitation. We are
proud to be partnering with Mumtalakat to address crucial gaps in the healthcare landscape, support
the vision of the country and create jobs for Bahrainis. The groundbreaking will mark the first step in this
journey, with momentum maintained through a Recruitment Day on 12 October 2024 in Manama to
engage and recruit the Kingdom’s most skilled local professionals. We’re looking forward to seeing
Amana Healthcare take shape in Bahrain ready to positively impact people in the Kingdom.”
Mr. Taqi added: “Mumtalakat is committed to investing in key sectors of Bahrain’s economy to benefit
and enrich the lives of its people. The launch of Amana Healthcare will allow us to leverage M42’s
expertise in delivering world-class care, ensuring that technology and innovation are at the forefront of
one of the most vital sectors – healthcare. The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of the project,
which will ensure the efficient use of resources and further elevate the accessibility and quality of
healthcare provided to all citizens and residents. Furthermore, this aligns with our mandate to create
sustainable, long-term partnerships that deliver valuable services, while creating highly skilled job
Scheduled to commence operations in 2025, the new facility will be the first international premium
provider of specialized long-term care and post-acute rehabilitation services in Bahrain – an innovative
approach set to revolutionize healthcare in the region and beyond.

The 15,000-square-meter, 100-bed facility will feature two large gyms, a hydrotherapy pool, two
majlises and gardens. The facility aims to offer world-class, tech-enabled services across its three wings.


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UAE Employers Lead in Health Benefits Offering, But Employee Support Falls Short, Cigna Healthcare Study Reveals

 98% of UAE employees recognize the value of health programs, yet only 70%
feel supported, revealing a critical communication gap.
 International health insurance tops UAE’s EVP rankings, outpacing global trends,
but faces underutilization and implementation challenges.

A new Cigna Healthcare study reveals a significant disconnect
between employer intentions and employee perceptions regarding health and well-being
benefits in the UAE. While HR leaders rank international health insurance as the most preferred
employee value proposition (EVP) for boosting productivity and attracting talent, only 7 in 10
employees believe their employers proactively support their health and well-being.
The report, titled Harnessing Health – Measuring the Impact of Employee Health and Well-being
Benefits, is based on a survey of 1000 managers and directors in HR and Benefits functions in
the UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK and US.
A compelling 98% of UAE employees agree that a robust health and well-being program
significantly boosts productivity and creates a more positive workplace. Reflecting this
sentiment, the study reveals that UAE companies offer more health benefits than their global
counterparts, underscoring the emphasis HR leaders place on employee well-being. However,
despite these efforts, many benefits remain underutilized, indicating a critical need for improved
access and awareness among employees.
Leah Cotterill, CEO of Cigna Healthcare Middle East and Africa (outside KSA), said, “Our
survey results clearly demonstrate that health and well-being benefits are powerful drivers of
workplace performance and talent attraction. While it’s promising to see that UAE companies
are offering more health benefits than their global counterparts, there’s still work to be done in
bridging the gap between availability and utilization. To truly maximize the potential of these
benefits, employers need to adopt a more strategic approach. This means not only offering
comprehensive packages, but ensuring they’re well-communicated, easily accessible, and
aligned with local cultural values. This is crucial for fostering a healthier, more satisfied, and
ultimately more productive workforce, giving businesses a competitive edge in today's global

Key findings in the UAE include:
 Strong Preference for Health Benefits: International health insurance is not only a key
part of the EVP but also the most favored by employees, ranking higher locally
compared to its fifth place globally. This preference is also shared equally with flexible
time off and working arrangements. The UAE presents more companies offering health
benefits than the global average.

 Employer Priorities: Employee health and well-being are top priorities for HR leaders,
on par with succession planning and leadership development (15%). Over half of these
leaders believe that robust health insurance plans promote a positive company culture
and enhance employee loyalty while effectively reducing absenteeism. UAE employee
rankings are amongst the highest in being proactively supported and valued for their
health and wellbeing.
 Gap in Benefit Utilization: Despite the widespread availability of health benefits
—offered by 93% of companies— there remains a significant underutilization issue, with
preventive health tools being the least utilized. This points to a potential gap in how
these benefits are communicated and understood by employees which could be a result
of insufficient awareness, cultural resistance, or limitations in support.
 Impact on Business Outcomes: More than half of HR leaders acknowledge the
positive impact of health benefits on key business metrics, particularly employee loyalty
and fostering a good company culture. While they see health insurance as beneficial in
reducing absenteeism, their confidence wanes when it comes to its effectiveness in
decreasing turnover, suggesting a need for targeted strategies to address specific local
 Mental Health Support: There is still a gap in mental health support, as it is the least
offered benefit in the UAE (48%) among all markets surveyed. Additionally, only 7 in 10
employees in the UAE feel that their employers proactively support their health and well-
 Health and Well Being: 98% of employees in UAE agree that robust health and well-
being program leads to better productivity and more positive work environment overall.


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M42’s Mubadala Health Dubai prevents blindness in patient

 Consultant neurologist spots previously undetected signs in 75-year-old who was mistakenly
diagnosed with migraines
 Patient had temporal arteritis, which is inflammation of the medium-sized vessels of the
temporal artery and requires prompt medical attention
 Headache Clinic at Mubadala Health Dubai provides specialized treatment for headaches,
enabling sufferers to regain control of their lives

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 29, 2024: Mubadala Health Dubai, part of the M42 group,
provides specialized treatment for headaches, enabling sufferers to regain control of their lives. Utilizing
the latest research, innovative treatments and a holistic approach, Mubadala Health Dubai’s newly
launched Headache Clinic aims to improve the quality of life for patients with headaches and chronic
migraines. Recently, it helped treat a 75-year-old patient who risked possible blindness due to a
misdiagnosed condition.
The patient had been experiencing uncontrollable headaches for the past few months and had
previously been misdiagnosed with migraines. Due to the persistence of these headaches, the patient
was referred to Mubadala Health Dubai, where a correct diagnosis of temporal arteritis was made by Dr.
Mohammad Aghil Ghatali, Consultant Neurologist. Temporal arteritis is an inflammation of the
medium-sized vessels of the temporal artery. This condition commonly causes severe, localized
headaches typically felt in the temples. Other symptoms may include scalp tenderness, jaw pain while
chewing and visual disturbances. Notably, temporal arteritis can lead to visual loss, which poses a
significant risk of blindness if left untreated.
Inflammation of the temporal arteries can affect the arteries that supply blood to the eyes, leading to
reduced blood flow and potentially causing sudden vision loss. This condition, known as anterior
ischemic optic neuropathy, can result in permanent blindness if not treated quickly. It’s crucial to start
treatment with corticosteroids as soon as possible to reduce inflammation and prevent serious
complications like blindness.
Dr. Ghatali said: “I saw the patient in the clinic’s corridor rocking and pacing due to his pain. Immediate
treatment with high-dose prednisone not only relieved the patient’s headache but also prevented
potential blindness. This success story highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis and timely
The patient commented: “It was due to Dr. Ghatali’s extensive experience that my condition was
identified and treated. I am finally free of my debilitating symptoms, and I was shocked to learn that I
could have gone blind if my condition hadn’t been caught in time.”
Giant cell arteritis is a type of vasculitis, which means inflammation of the blood vessels. It is an
autoimmune disease, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. In this case,
the immune system attacks the blood vessels in the head. Both rheumatologists, who specialize in
autoimmune diseases, and neurologists, who focus on the nervous system, work together to manage
conditions like giant cell arteritis and other similar diseases.

As part of the clinic’s multidisciplinary approach, the patient was then referred to Dr. Nathalie
Chalhoub, Consultant Rheumatologist at Mubadala Health Dubai. Giant cell arteritis, also known as
temporal arteritis, is a type of vasculitis, characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels. It is an
autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, specifically
targeting the blood vessels in the head. Both rheumatologists, who specialize in autoimmune diseases,
and neurologists, who focus on the nervous system, collaborate to manage conditions such as giant cell
arteritis and other similar diseases.
The clinic treats a variety of headaches from migraines to cluster, tension and sinus headaches. Its team
of experts conducts thorough evaluations, including medical history reviews and physical examinations,
to accurately diagnose the type and the cause of headaches and provide continuous support throughout
the treatment journey.

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